Sunday, September 9, 2012

The first day: material, rules and evaluation

- Student Book
- Notebook
- Pen-drive
- Agenda - to copy the homework, families have to sign the date of the exams...

- Listen to the teacher and to your classmates
- Do your homework (copy them in your agenda)
- Read the lesson every day
- Have your notebook updated
- Prepare the PowerPoint Presentations/word documents of each unit
- The agenda is the vehicle of communication between the teacher and the families

- There will be an exam after each unit
- The exam must be signed by the families and given back to the teacher
- The attitude is even more important than the exam mark
- You have to do your homework
- The notebook could help you to raise your mark
- You have to do a Pwp presentation or an essay for each unit, this work can be individually or in groups
- The evaluation couldn't be positive if your behaviour and attitude are negative and if you do not work on the subject