The Earth is a tiny ball in space.
It's the only place that we know has a human race.
The Earth is a tiny ball in space; it's the only place...
Wow, the planet Earth is beautiful from outer space. It looks just like a globe! A globe is a small copy of the planet Earth. Do you know the main parts?
There is land on the surface of the globe
Seven sections of land on the globe
What are they called?
Those are the CONTINENTS.
North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, Antarctica.
There is a lot of water on the globe
Covering three fourths of the globe
What is it called?
It's the OCEAN.
The ocean is divided into the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic and Southern oceans.
There is a top point on the globe
There is a bottom point on the globe
What are they called?
The North Pole is in the Arctic Ocean and the South Pole is on Antarctica.
What is the line that circles the globe;
An imaginary line that divides the globe?
What is it called?
It's called the EQUATOR.
The equator lies halfway between the North and South Poles.
Another line that circles the globe?
It divides the east and west parts of the globe.
What is it called?
The Prime Meridian is perpendicular to the Equator and crosses through the North and South Poles.
If you divide the globe in two parts.
And can only see half of the globe,
What is it called?
It's called a HEMISPHERE.
"Hemi" is Greek for "half" and a sphere is any round object... like a planet. Therefore, "half planet."
The Earth is a tiny ball in space.
It's the only place that we know has a human race.
It's the only place...